Saturday, July 9, 2022

My Diverse Self-Learning, Unlearning and Re-Learning


I wrote this chapter in 2020 when I was lockeddown in Toronto. Fortunately, I had backed up all the required data online and so was able to access it. 

I owe a lot to my group of friends who helped me remember my childhood days with greater accuracy, and my students who read drafts and encouraged me to tell their tale along with mine. 

It was an intense period of self-reflection which made me glad for the experiences life afforded me.

The 'pop-out' button on the right-hand top corner may make it easier to read, opening the document out in a new window. My apologies for the rough scanning of the document, I'll do a better version when I can. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

A Review of Two Books: 'Parthiban's Dream' and 'Meeran's Stories'

 Another review that I wrote in May and has  been published. I hope you get to read the originals and their translations. 
Both these books are available on Amazon. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

A Master Class by a Voice Guru

I didn't post anything on my blog in May, not because I didn't do any writing but because I was waiting for my writing to be published. Here is the link to my first piece, a review of Find Your Voice: A Definitive Guide for Stage Actors and Voice Professionals by P.C. Ramakrishna in The Book Review, 46(6).

Audiobooks and dubbing films for regional audiences in India are opening up a whole new market for people whose vocal cords are their raison d’etre. P.C. Ramakrishna’s book Find Your Voice: A Definitive Guide for Stage Actors and Voice Professionals could not have come at a better time for Voice artistes. The first of its kind in India, the book is an excellent mixture of the theory of Voice and how to cultivate and preserve it, as well nuggets on the features of the field of Voice. There are two distinct sections to the book. The first three-quarters of the book explicates the theory and practice of Voice production for primary stakeholders: stage actors, voiceover artistes, singers, animation voicers, radio jockeys and public speakers. Ramakrishna recognizes the differing needs of each of these professionals with regard to usage of vocal cords and production of sounds. For instance, voice projection for stage actors as against voice modulation for voiceover artistes. Every chapter has a wealth of exercises and relevant materials for each kind of voice professional. The last quarter of the book consolidates and expands these best practices and exercises for a cohesive approach to voice training. The practice material of words, sentences and dialogues in each chapter are classically relevant and appropriate, even if younger artistes may consider them dated.

He brings to the book the same deceptive casualness and insouciance that has been a feature of his Voice career. Adopting a conversational tone, he uses the pronoun ‘you’ rather than ‘s/he’ to address the reader but this apparent breeziness is belied by the specificity of his instructions such as the placement of a mike for clarity.

‘Voice Artiste’, the first chapter on the physics of voice is an anatomy lesson, describing the parts of our body involved in the production of speech. ‘Voice and the Actor on Stage’ lays out concepts of volume and throw. It is also a primer on phonetic features of sibilants, plosives and end consonants that contribute to clarity. All three concepts add up to audibility. ‘The Chemistry of Voice’ focuses on ‘colouring’ the Voice, adding emotion to it, for example on tone and sounds like shouting, screaming, wailing and laughing that convey feelings. Chapter 4 ‘Voiceover Artiste’ provides an overview of different sub-genres in voiceovers – newscaster, human interest story, the medicine industry, tourism, nature documentaries, children’s stories, ads, son et lumiere  - that target different emotions in viewers/listeners. For example, awe and wonder for nature documentaries, husky ‘come hither’ for perfume, and friendly and expressive for children. Two short chapters are devoted voicing animated films and a radio jockey, including crafting an interesting spiel for an RJ.

‘Singing Voice’ addresses subgenres such as the Carnatic or Hindustani vocalist, singing for classical dances and the choral voice. The explanations of chest and head voices for singers, the natural pitch classification in Western music, and the preferred range of two and a half octaves a singer should cultivate, are comprehensible even to a novice of music. ‘Stage Spaces and the Actor’s Voice’ is a practical extension of Chapter 2; Ramakrishna focuses on helping actors gauge voice throw and range required by different kinds of stages.

Training the Voice: Chapters 10 to 14 – ‘Nurture That Voice’, ‘Exercises’, ‘Do Workshops “Work”?’, ‘And… Here Come the “Spoilers”’, ‘Find Your Voice’ - unequivocally constitute a how-to section. Pulling together and extending tips, suggestions, processes and exercises, it is a time saver for professionals who can build a voice routine without wading through multiple chapters. Two chapters are devoted to nurturing and exercising the voice. Ramakrishna warns against Voice workshops not connected to a theatre space or a recording studio; don’t waste your time and money. The final chapter slips in an observation about learning from listening to other interlocutors, a skill which deserves more attention. Ramakrishna states explicitly, and often, that complete, thorough, detailed preparation is key to success, an idea promoted by every resource person. He then provides a roadated map specific to Voice artistes: read and reread the script; visualize the scene; identify the overall emotion and any varying emotions through the piece; check spellings; mark pauses, breath and intonation. Then … Practice pronunciation. Practice modulation. Practice breathing. Practice, practice, practice.

 Miscues: Two chapters do not fit smoothly into the theme of the book. ‘The Public Speaker’ expands the mnemonics ABCDEF of a good public speech rather than Voice features of an orator, a motivational speaker or a storyteller. ‘And Here … Come the “Spoilers”’, while interesting, is more directly related to acting and performing plays than to Voice.

Ramakrishna has overlooked another profession where voice is used every day and continually – teaching. Given the cacophonous ambient noises most teachers contend with, and that 90% of time in a classroom is teacher talk, it is not surprising that teachers constitute the bulk of an ENT specialist’s patients list. Learning not to rely on volume but to throw their voice to 60 students in less than ideal settings would be invaluable for teachers.

PC Ramakrishna knows whereof he speaks. He found his Voice and has capitalized on it for 50 years. An ‘early adopter’ in many fields related to Voice - actor with the oldest English theatre group in India; bass singer in the oldest Indian language choir; newscaster on Doordarshan Chennai - he is still the most sought after commentator for heritage and corporate films in India. He brings to the book the same deceptive casualness and insouciance that has been a feature of his Voice career. Adopting a conversational tone, he uses the pronoun ‘you’ rather than ‘s/he’ to address the reader but this apparent breeziness is belied by the specificity of his instructions such as the placement of a mike for clarity. The level of detail and the examples and exercises he provides make clear the kind of hard, sustained work necessary to maintain the high level of professionalism he has achieved in this field. An eminently readable and useful book gains in authenticity because of the personal experience and expertise the author brings to the subject.

The first of its kind in India, the book is an excellent mixture of the theory of Voice and how to cultivate and preserve it, as well nuggets on the features of the field of Voice. There are two distinct sections to the book. The first three-quarters of the book explicates the theory and practice of Voice production for primary stakeholders: stage actors, voiceover artistes, singers, animation voicers, radio jockeys and public speakers. Ramakrishna recognizes the differing needs of each of these professionals with regard to usage of vocal cords and production of sounds.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Looks familiar? Like your classroom in school? Except that this was 100 years ago. The one institution that has not changed physically in 100 years is, you’ve got it, schools. After two punishing years of lockdowns, how unlikely is it that they are going to look any different even as we blithely consider cutting back on the curriculum or spout off about technology in classrooms? 

There has been much discussion in Indian education circles about how the pandemic has affected schooling. Research studies have documented many struggles: inequality of technology access, student drop out, ‘learning loss,’ curtailed curriculum, and teachers managing students rather than teaching.

Now with schools reopening everything is back to ‘normal’ but what is the ‘new normal’ for teachers? They have been irrevocably changed by experiences of the past two years which have been a strange mixture of comfort and inconvenience, of familiarity and strangeness. How will they fit back into school buildings that have remained static?


During the pandemic, for close on two years teachers were forced to mix personal and professional settings creating modern ‘one room schools.’ This sudden change in physical context made for conditions of working and living inconvenient and comfortable simultaneously.

Like most of us who live in flats, teachers’ houses are not large enough for a dedicated room per member of the family. When a private place could be spared to work in comparative solitude, patriarchy determined that menfolk had first rights so that the husband or son in the family closed the door to the room and left the womenfolk and children to share common areas.

Various shared spaces perforce functioned as ‘multiple classrooms,’ whether it was the drawing room, a bedroom or the kitchen table. They had to be frequently rearranged to accommodate ‘school’ and ‘home’ functions. Dining tables had to be cleared every morning for laptops which in turn had to cleared off at mealtimes. Beds had to be remade several times after constant use. These arrangements naturally were very inconvenient and upsetting for the entire family.

Most schools avoid placing children in their parents’ classroom to circumvent accusations of favoritism. Teacher-parents were reminded of how welcome this unwritten rule is! In close proximity at school-home, instances of irony abounded. Teacher-parents had to tune out a colleague’s professional practices, hoping the Golden Rule[1] would apply to them, too. They could hear their child’s teacher echo their own calls for attention. They watched helplessly as their own children, just like their students, muted their audio and turned off their video to watch TV. They heard their children offer a familiar, specious complaint - ‘My internet is not working, Miss.’

A brighter side to this was that teachers were in their own homes, in familiar surroundings, on familiar territory which, to a large extent, they could negotiate to suit themselves. Even called on more often than was convenient to serve tea or clean up after a meal, they were conscious of the convenience factor of being in their own homes, in a place of comparative physical comfort brought on by familiarity. They could regulate the ambient ventilation, lighting and noise. They sat at ease under their own fans or in air-conditioned comfort. They closed windows when the noise from neighbours became too loud.

Though these convenience factors may outweigh the crowd factor for short spells, they could not for the interminable two years that Covid-19 sanctioned. It is not surprising that teachers were raring to get out their houses and back into school buildings.


With schools in full swing again, teachers are back in a very familiar mode. They are back in the whirl of school assembly and bell to bell periods, and hurried lunches and even shorter tea breaks. Students are in one room, under their eagle eye, unable to remain unseen, anonymous or absent. Life is back on track. Phew!

But do they see schools as the Garden of Eden before the fall?

Furnishing classrooms

The most depressing thing about schools is their physical set up, how they are furnished and maintained. Rooms are usually packed tight and the narrow aisles are most inconvenient. In fact, unless the teachers are as thin as walkway models, they can scarcely get to the back of the room.

The quality of student furniture leaves a lot to be desired. Gouges and scratches bear witness to the boredom of generations who have graced the building, and quickly descend into a state of dilapidation. They are not regularly painted or varnished and are not replaced until they become unsafe.

Teachers’ chairs, if they are provided one at all, are hardbacked with even harder seats that are murder on their backs and bums. A definite disincentive to rest tired legs.

The poor ambience of the classrooms is exacerbated by the fact that teachers have little to no say in the location or arrangement of their classrooms. Why then would they have a stake in it and take ownership of the state of the room?



Classrooms are hot and not well-ventilated. Schools have little choice in the placement of their buildings, especially in overcrowded cities. So while homes may run north-south to let in air but not direct sun, classrooms windows, where they open to the outside, are perfectly positioned to trap the heat of the day, which is multiplied by forty warm bodies.

A majority of the classrooms are equipped with at least fans, if not air-conditioning. Though it must be acknowledged the intermittent, unreliable electricity flow make these fittings moot. Further, teachers are discouraged from switching them on to conserve on utility bills. End result is that classrooms are sweatpits.

Is it any wonder that by the end of the day the fetid atmosphere in the classroom makes teaching or learning untenable?


What can school do?

No, I am not advocating for existing schools to be torn down and rebuilt, though most of them beg for it, let’s be honest. Even within the existing infrastructure, life can be made a little less unpleasant physically for teachers.

1.       Encourage teachers to rearrange furniture to serve their pedagogy. If they can turn chairs around, or pile up desks and chairs against the wall, they may use interactive activities rather than lecture.

2.       Require teachers to switch on the fan in every classroom and leave them on through the day. Even when students are not in the room, the fans will sweep out the stuffiness and swelter.

3.       Equip windows with wooden blinds or shutters that can be closed against direct sunlight. They will be less expensive and require less maintenance than curtains.

4.       Invest in and maintain generators for the entire school, not just the administrator block or IT labs. Regular sources of power should be considered as essential as furniture.

Then may be the school building will be the teachers’ workplace of choice, and not just an escape from overcrowding at home!

[1] Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31

Monday, April 4, 2022


 Talking of books, again (do we ever stop?), while every major city has its USIS and British Council libraries, the greatest pleasure that bound us all together was the local library. You know, which was just about within walking distance from home, the one had something for every age group in the family.

Which was teeny-tiny with perhaps just about enough room to turn around rather than crawl out backwards. 

Which was dusty and musty, where the books were so tightly packed on the shelf that you had to pull out two or three at a time. Where you wanted to get to the books first, before their spines cracked and they fell apart.

Where the owner had a record of every book you had ever read in all the 15 years you had been a member. Who knew who had borrowed the book you desperately wanted. Who kept an eagle eye on you and wouldn’t let you borrow books your parents forbade you to bring home.

Who when you go even 15 years later instantly recognizes you. Who still keeps your membership current and knows your membership page number. And suggests what authors you should have moved on to since the last time you borrowed a book. And doesn’t hesitate to dun you for the book you lost 20 years ago. Or will return the Rs. 2 which he owed you from way back when.

All of us in major metros have grown with such a library even as the city grew around it. In Madras it was Easwari Lending Library. An institution in itself.

By the time I could make my way to Easwari, I had ‘graduated’ from Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie to Romances. Mills and Boon, as they were then called, was much in demand but I was also an indiscriminate reader, willing to peruse almost anything printed. No one commented adversely on reading habits, though my father was totally unappreciative of my literary taste; he insisted on picking up my M&B only with a hanky so as not to pollute himself with ‘rubbish.’

Mr. Palani, the founder-owner, is a fairly short, thin man who ruled his library with a rod of iron. We were allowed to borrow only 10 titles at a time. Actually, we began with five. When Mr. Palani deemed us sufficiently trustworthy to return the books in time and in good condition, he upped the limit to 10.

Ooof. The relief!

Even that was insufficient for me. I was a fairly fast reader, devouring one or two books on a weekday and few more over the weekend, and ran through the new books in short order. Fortunately, there were a couple of other patrons of Easwari who stepped up. My friend Bharati’s mother, for instance, was another avid reader of M&B who would sub-lend me her borrowed books, keeping me well supplied. The only provisos were that I returned them safely to Easwari before the due date to avoid late fees, and in time to enable them to borrow a fresh lot without hitting the max ceiling.

The reading was an all-absorbing enchantment and thrill but returning the enormous number of books threw up many issues. First of all was the timing since I had to juggle the deadlines of three other patrons apart from my own. Sitting up nights to finish a book was standard practice, which my family tolerated. It also required late-evening runs to the library, not a practice my family approved of.

Returning 15 to 20 books at a time to the library, which was not on a bus route, involved huge, heavy bags. They were special trips from home, not combined with other errands in the area or on the way back from college. Definitely not the last as the books would have been seized upon by various friends to be read between the pages of the English textbook in Mrs. John’s class probably, not to be seen again for a couple of days, well past the due date.

Secondly, I had to look sharp to avoid paying unnecessary late fees. Palani was not above pulling a fast one on me, slyly failing to cancel books I had returned. Fortunately, my prodigious memory served me well and I countered by tracing them back on the shelves or to my friends who had borrowed it after me.

My nephew Rama, as he is now known, shares my mania for books. When he was old enough to read, I insisted that he earn his privilege of a library visit by walking to it. The five-year-old would trudge 1.5 km through the hot, humid evening to choose books that were first vetted by me and then by Palani. We would get a ride back if the book load was too heavy or it was much too late in the evening.

Even before Easwari was the Children’s Club mobile library. In my days, the club membership consisted of friends and family who lived within a 10-minute walk of each other. The club was run by my extended family who called the shots on all details of the library service.

Every Saturday, Munuswamy would ride the library van around the neighborhood (and no, that is not his picture and the van was a dull gray!) and we’d fall on it like vultures, ready to pick it clean. We were each allowed one or two books and one magazine, a paltry number. Ritakka, my cousin, as always came to my rescue, allowing me to appropriate her slot, setting a custom that I later took for granted. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t have first choice every week because, of course, I was the most avid reader in our group, I whined. But more dispassionate heads made sure each household was fairly served in the rota system. And Munuswamy had strict instructions not to permit any reservations, so I had to wait my turn for a coveted book. We were strictly not allowed to trade across households, even those next door or just across the road, a decision easily enforced since the chief librarian, invariably an aunt or an older cousin, kept informal tabs on our weekly reading list.

I read my first Enid Blytons here, stories about Amelia Jane and pixies and elves. And Highlights with its puzzles, mazes and  puns, also my first introduction to crosswords, a passion that still rules me. We couldn’t colour the pictures, of course, but traced the maze or did the crossword in pencil lightly enough to erase it without a mark.

In total contrast was the school library. With musty books run by a dragon who didn’t seem to have any interest in reading and had no idea who the passionate readers in a class were. But the library did have books and authors I couldn’t find anywhere else, probably because they were so dated – the Chalet school series, Angela Brazil and the Dimsey books. And I found classmates and friends who were non-readers very willing to check out books for me, so it wasn’t a total loss.

Maybe now that I am back in Chennai, perhaps Easwari beckons, though it looks pretty hifi. Or payback time in the Children’s Club library, to (re)introduce its membership to the delights of a local library?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022



Surf's Up: Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks, 1971

A diamond necklace played the pawn

Hand in hand some drummed along, oh

To a handsome mannered baton

A blind class aristocracy

Back through the opera glass you see

The pit and the pendulum drawn

Columnated ruins domino

Canvass the town and brush the backdrop

Are you sleeping?

Hung velvet overtaken me

Dim chandelier awaken me

To a song dissolved in the dawn

The music hall a costly bow

The music all is lost for now

To a muted trumpeter swan

Columnated ruins domino

Canvass the town and brush the backdrop

Are you sleeping, Brother John?

Dove nested towers the hour was

Strike the street quicksilver moon

Carriage across the fog

Two-Step to lamp lights cellar tune

The laughs come hard in Auld Lang Syne

The glass was raised, the fired-roast

The fullness of the wine, the dim last toasting

While at port adieu or die

A choke of grief heart hardened I

Beyond belief a broken man too tough to cry

Surf's Up

Aboard a tidal wave

Come about hard and join

The young and often spring you gave

I heard the word

Wonderful thing

A children's song

Child, child, child, child, child

A child is the father of the man

Child, child, child, child, child

A child is the father of the man

A children's song

Have you listened as they played

Their song is love

And the children know the way

That's why the child is the father to the man

Child, child, child, child, child

Child, child, child, child, child

Na na na na na na na na

Child, child, child, child, child

That's why the child is the father to the man

Child, child, child, child, child

Masters Of War: Bob Dylan. 1962-63

Come you masters of war

You that build the big guns

You that build the death planes

You that build all the bombs

You that hide behind walls

You that hide behind desks

I just want you to know

I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'

But build to destroy

You play with my world

Like it's your little toy

You put a gun in my hand

And you hide from my eyes

And you turn and run farther

When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old

You lie and deceive

A world war can be won

You want me to believe

But I see through your eyes

And I see through your brain

Like I see through the water

That runs down my drain

You fasten all the triggers

For the others to fire

Then you set back and watch

When the death count gets higher

You hide in your mansion'

As young people's blood

Flows out of their bodies

And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear

That can ever be hurled

Fear to bring children

Into the world

For threatening my baby

Unborn and unnamed

You ain't worth the blood

That runs in your veins

How much do I know

To talk out of turn

You might say that I'm young

You might say I'm unlearned

But there's one thing I know

Though I'm younger than you

That even Jesus would never

Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question

Is your money that good

Will it buy you forgiveness

Do you think that it could

I think you will find

When your death takes its toll

All the money you made

Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die

And your death'll come soon

I will follow your casket

In the pale afternoon

And I'll watch while you're lowered

Down to your deathbed

And I'll stand over your grave

'Til I'm sure that you're dead

Hey Jude: The Beatles, 1968

Hey, Jude, don't make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better

Remember to let her into your heart

Then you can start to make it better

Hey, Jude, don't be afraid

You were made to go out and get her

The minute you let her under your skin

Then you begin to make it better

And anytime you feel the pain,

Hey, Jude, refrain

Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

For well you know that it's a fool

Who plays it cool

By making his world a little colder

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah

Hey, Jude, don't let me down

You have found her, now go and get her

Remember to let her into your heart

Then you can start to make it better

So let it out and let it in,

Hey, Jude, begin

You're waiting for someone to perform with

And don't you know that it's just you,

Hey, Jude, you'll do

The movement you need is on your shoulder

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah nah yeah

Hey, Jude, don't make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better

Remember to let her under your skin

Then you'll begin to make it better, better, better, better, better... oh!

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (Jude)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (yeah, yeah, yeah)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (don't make it bad, Jude)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (take a sad song and make it better)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (oh, Jude)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (Jude, hey, Jude, whoa)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude (ooh)

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude

Nah, nah nah, nah nah, nah, nah, nah nah,

Hey, Jude [fade out]


I Still Miss Someone: Johnny Cash and Ron Cash, 1958

At my door the leaves are falling

A cold wild wind has come

Sweethearts walk by together

And I still miss someone

I go out on a party

And look for a little fun

But I find a darkened corner

Because I still miss someone

Oh, no I never got over those blue eyes

I see them every where

I miss those arms that held me

When all the love was there

I wonder if she's sorry

For leavin' what we'd begun

There's someone for me somewhere

And I still miss someone


Suicide Is Painless: Michael Altman, 1970

Through early morning fog I see

Visions of the things to be

The pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

That game of life is hard to play

I'm gonna lose it anyway

The losing card I'll someday lay

So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skin

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works its way on in

The pain grows stronger, watch it grin

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me

To answer questions that are key

"Is it to be or not to be?"

And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?"

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I...

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And I can take or leave it if I please

Suicide is painless

It brings on many changes

And you can do the same thing if you please.


There Is A Light That Never Goes Out: Johnny Marr + Morrissey, 1992

Take me out tonight

Where theres music and theres people

And they're young and alive

Driving in your car

I never never want to go home

Because I haven't got one


Take me out tonight

Because I want to see people and I

Want to see life

Driving in your car

Oh, please don't drop me home

Because its not my home, its their

Home, and I'm welcome no more

And if a double-decker bus

Crashes into us

To die by your side

Is such a heavenly way to die

And if a ten-ton truck

Kills the both of us

To die by your side

Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine

Take me out tonight

Take me anywhere, I don't care

I don't care, I don't care

And in the darkened underpass

I thought oh god, my chance has come at last

(but then a strange fear gripped me and I

Just couldn't ask)

Take me out tonight

Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care

I don't care, I don't care

Driving in your car

I never never want to go home

Because I haven't got one, da ...

Oh, I haven't got one

And if a double-decker bus

Crashes into us

To die by your side

Is such a heavenly way to die

And if a ten-ton truck

Kills the both of us

To die by your side

Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

Oh, there is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes...

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light that never goes out

There is a light


It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine): REM, 1987

That's great! It starts with an earthquake

Birds and snakes, an aeroplane

and Lenny Bruce is not afraid

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn

World serves its own needs, don't mis-serve your own needs

Speed it up a notch, speed, grunt, no strength

The ladder starts to clatter with fear of height, down height

Wire in a fire, representing seven games

In a government for hire and a combat site

Left of west and coming in a hurry

With the furies breathing down your neck

Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop

Look at that low plane! Fine, then

Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food

But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself

World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed

Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right, right

You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light

Feeling pretty psyched

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Six o'clock. TV hour

Don't get caught in foreign tower

Slash and burn, return

Listen to yourself churn

Lock him in uniform and book burning, bloodletting

Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate

Light a candle, light a votive

Step down, step down

Watch a heel crush, crush

Uh oh, this means no fear; cavalier

Renegade and steer clear!

A tournament, a tournament

A tournament of lies

Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives

And I decline

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)

I feel fine

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)

The other night I tripped a nice

Continental drift divide

Mountains sit in a line

Leonard Bernstein, Leonid Brezhnev

Lenny Bruce, and Lester Bangs

Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly beans, boom!

You symbiotic, patriotic, slam, but neck, right? (Right!)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it

(It's time I had some time alone)

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

(It's time I had some time alone)


Old Man: Neil Young, 1972

Old man look at my life,

I'm a lot like you were.

Old man look at my life,

I'm a lot like you were.

Old man look at my life,

Twenty four

and there's so much more

Live alone in a paradise

That makes me think of two.

Love lost, such a cost,

Give me things

that don't get lost.

Like a coin that won't get tossed

Rolling home to you.

Old man take a look at my life

I'm a lot like you

I need someone to love me

the whole day through

Ah, one look in my eyes

and you can tell that's true.

Lullabies, look in your eyes,

Run around the same old town.

Doesn't mean that much to me

To mean that much to you.

I've been first and last

Look at how the time goes past.

But I'm all alone at last.

Rolling home to you.

Old man take a look at my life

I'm a lot like you

I need someone to love me

the whole day through

Ah, one look in my eyes

and you can tell that's true.

Old man look at my life,

I'm a lot like you were.

Old man look at my life,

I'm a lot like you were.


Big Yellow Taxi: Joni Mitchell, 1970

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique

And a swinging hot spot

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

They took all the trees

Put 'em in a tree museum

Then they charged the people

A dollar and a half just to see 'em

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

Hey, farmer, farmer

Put away that DDT now

Give me spots on my apples

But leave me the birds and the bees


Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

Late last night I heard the screen door slam

And a big yellow taxi took away my old man

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

I said

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot

They paved paradise

Put up a parking lot


Mah Nà Mah Nà: Piero Umiliani, 1968; The Muppets, 1969

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do do-do do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle Do do do-doo do!

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do do-do do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle Do do do-doo do!

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do do-do do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle Do do do-doo do!

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do do-do do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle Do do do-doo do!

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do do-do do

Mah Nà Mah Nà

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle Do do do-doo do!


Just a second

It's for you

Mah Nà Mah Nà!

The question is, what is a mah nà mah nà?

The question is, who cares?


Most Famous Lyrics: Tamil

 Vairamuthu: Pudhu Vellai Mazhai, Roja, 1992

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Ingu sollaadha idam kooda kulirgindradhu

Manam soodaana idam thedi alaigindradhu

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Ingu sollaadha idam kooda kulirgindradhu

Manam soodaana idam thedi alaigindradhu

Nadhiye Nee Aaanaal, Karai Naane

Siru Paravai Nee Aanaal, Un Vaanam Naane

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Penn Illaadha Oorile, Adi Aann Poo Ketpadhaillai

Penn Illaadha Oorile, Kodi Thaan Poo Pooppadhillai

Un Pudavai Mundhaanai Saaindhadhil

Indha Bhoomi Poo Poothadhu

Idhu Kamban Paadaadha Sindhanai

Undhan Kaadhodu Yaar Sonnadhu ?

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Ingu sollaadha idam kooda kulirgindradhu

Manam soodaana idam thedi alaigindradhu

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Nee Anaikindra Velaiyil, Uyir Poo Dhiddukkendru Malarum

Nee Vedukkendru Odinaal, Uyir Poo Sarugaaga Ularum

Iru Kaigal Theendaadha Penmaiyai, Un Kangal Pandhaadudho

Malar Manjam Seraadha Penn Nilaa

Endhan Maarbodu Vandhaadudho?

Pudhu vellai mazhai, ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa, udal nanaigindradhu

Ingu sollaadha idam kooda kulirgindradhu

Manam soodaana idam thedi alaigindradhu

Nadhiye Nee Aaanaal, Karai Naane

Siru Paravai Nee Aanaal, Un Vaanam Naane

Pudhu vellai mazhai ingu pozhigindradhu

Indha kollai nilaa udal nanaigindradhu


Vairamuthu: Paadariyen Padippariyen, Sindhu Bhairavi, 1985

Paadariyen padippariyen pallikkoodandhaanariyen

Yedariyen ezhuththariyen ezhuththuvaga naanariyen)(3)

Yettula ezhudhavilla ezhudhivechchu pazhakkamilla

E(i)lakkanam padikkavilla thalaganamum enakku illa

Paadariyen padippariyen pallikkoodandhaanariyen

Yedariyen ezhuththariyen ezhuththuvaga naanariyen

Arththaththa vittupputtaa adhukkoru baavamilla

Pazhagina bhaashayila padippadhu paavamilla

Ennamo raagam ennannamo thaalam

Thalaiya aattum puriyaadha koottam

Ellaame sangeedhandhaan….ahaaaaa

Ellaame sangeedhandhaan

Saththaththil porandha sangadhidhaan

Sadjamamenbadhum dhaivadhamenbadhum

Panja parambaraikkappurandhaan

Paadariyen padippariyen pallikkoodandhaanariyen

Yedariyen ezhuththariyen ezhuththuvaga naanariyen

Kavala yedhumilla rasikkiraen mettukudi

Cherikkum seravenum adhukkum paattu padi

Ennaye paaru eththana peru

Thangame neeyum thamizh paattum paadu

Sonnadhu thappaa thappaaa….ahaaaa…

Sonnadhu thappaa thappaa

Raagaththil pudusu ennudhappaa

(Ammiyarachchava kummiyadichchava

Naattupporaththula sonnadhappaa) (2)

Paadariyen padippariyen pallikkoodandhaanariyen

Yedariyen ezhuththariyen ezhuththuvaga naanariyen

Yettula ezhudhavilla ezhudhivechchu pazhakkamilla

E(i)lakkanam padikkavilla thalaganamum enakku illa

Paadariyen padippariyen pallikkoodandhaanariyen

Yedariyen ezhuththariyen ezhuththuvaga naanariyen

Ma pathama

Paadariyen padippariyen

Sa ri ga ma pa tha ma

Paadariyen padippariyen

Pa tha ni sa nit ha ma ga sa ri

Paadariyen padippariyen

Sa sa riga sa ri ga ma ga sa pa tha ma

Ma ma pa tha ma pa tha nit ha ma pa tha ni

Pa tha ni sa ri ga sa nit ha ma pa tha ni sa ni tha

Pa tha nit ha ma pa ma tha ga ma pa tha ma ga ma gas a

Sa sa sa sa sa sa sa ri ga pa ga pa sa ri tha

Ma ma ma ma ma ma pa tha ni sa ri sa rig a ma ga

Sa sa ri rig a ga ma ma pa pa that ha ni ni sa

Rig a sa sa ni sa ni ni nit ha

Ma pa tha nit ha nit ha pa ma

Ga ma gas a rig a ma pa tha ma pa

Tha ma pa tha ni sa ri pa ma ga ri ma tha

Mari mari ninne muralitha nee manasuna thayaraalu (2)

Mai mari nine…. Mari mari nine…..


Vaali: Janani Janani, Thai Mookambikai, 1982

Janani janani jagam nee agam nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Oru maan maruvum siru poondhiraiyum

Sadai vaar kuzhalum vidai vaaganamum

Konda naayaganin kulir dhegaththile

Ninra naayagiye ida paagaththile

Jagan mogini nee simma vaagini nee

Jagan mogini nee simma vaagini nee

Janani janani jagam nee agam nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Chathur vedhangalum panja boodhangalum

Shanmaarggangalum saptha theerththangalum

Ashta yogangalum nava yaagangalum

Thozhum poongazhale malai maamagale

Alai maamagal nee kalai maamagal nee

Alai maamagal nee kalai maamagal nee

Janani janani jagam nee agam nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Swarna regaiyudan svayamaagi vandha

Linga roopiniye mookambigaiye (2)

Pala thoththirangal dharma saaththirangal

Panindhethuvazhum mani neththirangal (2)

Sakthi peedamum nee sarva motchamum nee

Sakthi peedamum nee sarva motchamum nee

Sakthi peedamum nee sarva motchamum nee

Janani janani jagam nee agam nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee

Jagath kaarani nee paripoorani nee


Vaali: Mandram Vantha, Mouna Ragam, 1986

Mandram vantha thendralukku

Manjam vara nenjam illaiyo

Anbe en anbe

Thottavudan suttathenna kattazhagu

Vatta nilavo kanne en kanne

Poobaalame koodathennum vaanam undo soll (Mandram….

Thaamarai mele neerththuli pol

Thalaivanum thalaviyum vaazhvathenna

Nanbargal pole vaazhvatharukku

Maalaiyum melamum thevaiyenna

Sonthagale illamal bantha paasam kollamal

Poove un vaazhkaithaan enna… sol (Mandram….

Medaiyai pole vaazhkai alla

Naadagam aanathum vilagi sella

Odaiyai pole uravum alla

Paadhaigal maariye payanam sella

Vinnodu thaan oolavum velli vanna

Nilaavum - ennodu nee vanthal enna…. Vaa (Mandram….


Vairamuthu: Uyire Uyire, Bombay, 1995

Uyire Uyire Vandhu Ennodu Kalandhuvidu

Uyire Uyire Ennai Unnodu Kalandhuvidu

Ninaive Ninaive Endhan Nenjodu Kalandhuvidu

Nilave Nilave Indha Vinnodu Kalandhuvidu

Kaadhal Irundhaal Endhan Kannodu Kalandhuvidu

Kaalam Thaduthaal Ennai Mannodu Kalandhuvidu

Uyire Uyire Vandhu Ennodu Kalandhuvidu

Uyire Uyire Ennai Unnodu Kalandhuvidu

Ninaive Ninaive Endhan Nenjodu Kalandhuvidu

En Suvaasak Kaatru Varum Paadhai Paarthu

Uyirthaangi Naaniruppen

Malarkonda Penmai Vaaraadhu Ponaal

Malai Meedhu Theekkulippen

En Uyir Pogum Ponaalum Thuyarillai Penne

Adharkaagavaa Paadinen

Varum Edhirkaalam Un Meedhu Pazhipodum Penne

Adharkaagaththaan Vaadinen

Mudhalaa Mudivaa Adhai Un Kaiyil Koduthuvitten

Uyire Uyire Inru Unnodu Kalandhuvitten

Urave Urave Inru En Vaasal Kadandhuvitten

Ninaive Ninaive Undhan Nenjodu Niraindhuvitten

Kanave Kanave Undhan Kannodu Karaindhuvitten

Kaadhal Irundhaal Endhan Kannodu Kalandhuvidu

Kaalam Thaduthaal Ennai Mannodu Kalandhuvidu

Uyire Uyire Vandhu Ennodu Kalandhuvidu

Ninaive Ninaive Endhan Nenjodu Kalandhuvidu

Oor Paarvai Paarthe Uyir Thandha Penmai

Vaaraamal Poividumaa

Oru Kannil Konjam Vali Vandha Podhu

Maru Kannum Thoongidumaa

Naan Karumpaarai Pala Thaandi Veraaga Vandhen

Kannaalan Mugam Paarkkave

En Kadungaaval Pala Thaandi Kaatraaga Vandhen

Kannaa Un Kural Ketkave

Adadaa Adadaa Indru Kanneerum Thiththikkinradhe

Uyire Uyire Vandhu Ennodu Kalandhuvidu

Uyire Uyire Ennai Unnodu Kalandhuvidu

Ninaive Ninaive Endhan Nenjodu Kalandhuvidu

Nilave Nilave Indha Vinnodu Kalandhuvidu

Mazhaipol Mazhaipol Vandhu Mannodu Vizhundhuvitten

Manampol Manampol Undhan Oonodu Uraindhuvitten

Uyire Uyire Inru Unnodu Kalandhuvitten

Ninaive Ninaive Undhan Nenjodu Niraindhuvitten


Vairamuthu: Thillana Thillana, Muthu, 1995


Thillaana thillaana nee thithikindra thenaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana

Thillaana thillaana nee thithikindra thenaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana

Hoo… manja kaatu maina ennai konji

Konji ponaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana


Kannu vachathum neethaanaa vedi

Kanni vachathum nee thaanaa

Kattil pottu naan kappam

Katta kaaman sonnanaa

Thillaana thillaana naan thithikindra thenaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana

Oh… manja kaatu maina ennai konji

Konji ponaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana

Pattikaatu muthu neeyo padikkaatha medhai

Thottu thottu pesathaane thudithaale raadhai

Kallam kabadamillai naanoo ariyaatha pedhai

Makkal manam thaane enthan vazhukkatha paadhai

Koduthaala naan vanthen eduthaala vendama

Aduthaalu paaraamal thaduthala vendama

Mudi konda un maarbil mugam saaikka vendaama

Mudi pottu nam sontham mudivaaga vendama

Thadaiyethum illaamal thanithaala vendama

Thillaana thillaana nee thithikindra thenaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana..

Oh…manja kaatu maina ennai konji konji ponaa

Thikku thikku nenjil thillaana


Kannu vachathum nee thaanaa vedi

Kanni vachathum nee thaanaa

Kattil pottu nee kappam

Katta kaaman sonnanaa

Thikku thikku nenjil …

Thikku thikku nenjil …

Sivappaana aangal inge sila kodi undu

Karuppaana ennai kandu kan vaithadhenna

Kadal vannam vaanin vannam karu vannam thaane

Kadal vaanam kaanumpothu unaikanden naane

Mannodu seraamal nadakkindren unnale

Maruthaani poosamal sivakkindren unnale

Suttuvizhi kandaale sokkuthadi thannaale

Sikkupatta elpole nokkupatten unnale

Kattuthari kalai nanum kattupatten unnale (Thillanana…


Vaali: Kannan Oru Kaikuzhandhai, Bhadrakali, 1976

Female: Kannan Oru Kaikuzhandhai

Kangal Sollum Poonkavidhai

Kannam Sindhum Thenamudhai

Kondu Sellum En Manadhai (2)

Kaiyirandil Naaneduththu

Paaduginren Aaraaro

Maivizhiye Thaalelo

Maadhavane Thaalelo

Kannan Oru Kaikuzhandhai

Kangal Sollum Poonkavidhai

Kannam Sindhum Thenamudhai

Kondu Sellum En Manadhai

Male: Un Madiyil Naanuranga

Kannirendum Thaan Mayanga

Enna Thavam Seidheno

Ennavendru Solveno

Female: Un Madiyil Naanuranga

Kannirendum Thaan Mayanga

Enna Thavam Seidheno

Ennavenru Solveno

Male: Yezhpirappum Inaindhirukkum

Sondham Indha Sondhamammaa

Vaazhvirukkum Naal Varaikkum

Thanjam Undhan Nenjamammaa

Female: Annamidum Kaigalile

Aadivarum Pillaiyidhu

Unnarugil Naanirundhaal

Aanandhaththin Ellai Adhu

Male: Gaayathri Mandhiraththai

Uchcharikkum Bakthanammaa

Ketkum Varam Kidaikkum Varai

Kannurakkam Marandhadhammaa

Female: Manjal Kondu Neeraadi

Maikuzhalil Poochchoodi

Male: Vanji Magal Varumpothu

Aasai Varum Oru Kodi) (2)

Female: Kattazhaku Kangaluku

Mai Eduththu Ezhuthattuma

Kangal Pada Koodumendru

Pottu Ondru Vaikkattuma

Kannan Oru Kai Kuzhandhai

Kangal Sollum Poonkavithai

Male: Kannam Sindhum Thenamudhai

Kondu Sellum En Manadhai

Female: Kaiyirandil Naaneduththu

Paaduginren Aaraaro

Male: Maivizhiye Thaalelo

Female: Maadhavane Thaalelo Aaraariro

Male: Aaraariro

Female: Aaraariro

Male: Aaraariro

Female: Aaraariro


Vaali: Mukkaalaa Mukaablaa, Kadhalan, 1994

Mukkaalaa Mukaablaa Laila Oh laila

Mukaablaa Sokkamalaa Laila Oh Laila

Lovukku kaavalaa, badhal nee sollu kaadhala

Pollaadha kaavala,sindoorapoovilaa

Villaingalai veezhthum vennilaa

MukkaalaaMukaablaa Laila Oh laila

Mukaablaa Sokkamalaa LailaOh Laila

Jurassic parkkilindru, sugamaana jodigal

Jazz music paadi varudhu

Picasso oviyandhan, puriyaamalennodu


CowbayinkaN pattadhum, playboyinkai thottadhum

Undaana sexaanadhu,onraaga mixaanadhu

Jazz music peNNaanadhu, strawberry kaNNaanadhu

Love story kondaaduthu dhikkeri thalladuthu

Nam kaadhal yaarume ezhudhaadha paadale

Mukkaalaa Mukaablaa Laila Oh laila

Mukaablaa Sokkamalaa Laila Oh Laila

Thuppaakki thookki vandhu kuri vaitthu thakkkinal

Thottaavil kaadhal vizhumaa

Semmeengal maattuginra valai kondu veesinaal

PeNmeengal kaiyil varumaa

Boogambam vandhaalenna Boologam vendhaalenna

Aagaayam rendagumaa ennaaLum thundaaguma

Vaadi en vaNNakkiLi meenaippol thuLLikkudhi

Seivan nam kaadhal vidhi kaalam nam aaNaippadi

Sandhosham enrume salikkaadha paadala

Mukkaalaa Mukaablaa Laila Oh laila

Mukaablaa Sokkamalaa Laila Oh Laila


Vaali: Inji Idupalagi, Thevar Magan, 1992

Male: Inji Iduppazhagi Manja Sivappazhagi

Kallach Sirippazhagi

Marakka Manam Kooduthillaiye

Marakkuma Maaman Ennam

Mayakkuthe Panjavarnam

Madiyile Oonjal Poda Maane Vaa

Inji Iduppazhagi Manja Sivappazhagi

Kallach Sirippazhagi

Marakka Manam Kooduthillaiye

Female: Thannanth Thanichirukka Thaththalichchu Thanirukka

Un Ninaippil Naan Parichchen Thaamaraiye

Male: Punnai Vanaththinile Pedaik Kuyil Koovayile

Unnudaiya Vethanaiyai Nan Arinjen

Female: Un Kazhuththil Malaiyida

Unnirandu Thola Thoda

Enna Thavam Senjenoiya Mama

Male: Vannakkili Kaiyaith Thoda

Chinna Chinna Kolamida

Ullamattum Un Vazhiye Naane

Ullamattum Un Vazhiye Naane

Female: Inji Iduppazhaga Manja Sivappazhaga

Kallach Sirippazhaga

Marakka Manam Kooduthillaiye

Male: Inji Iduppazhagi Manja sivappazhagi

Kallach sirippazhagi

Marakka Manam Kooduthillaiye

Female: Adikkira Kaththaik Kelu

Asaiyura Naththai Kelu

Nadakkira Aththai Kelu

Neethana Naan

Male: Inji Iduppazhagi Manja sivappazhagi

Kallach sirippazhagi

Marakka Manam Kooduthillaiye…aah


Vairamuthu: Yenna Solla Pogirai, Kandukondaen Kandukondaen, 2000

Illai Illai Solla Oru Kanam Podhum

Illai Enra Sollai Thaanguvadhenraal

Innum Innum Enakkor Jenmam Vendum

Enna Solla Pogiraai

Sandhana Thenralai Jannalgal Dhandithal Niyaayamaa

Kaadhalin Kelvikku Kangalin Badhil Enna Mounamaa Mounamaa

Anbae Endhan Kaadhal Solla Nodi Onru Podhume

Adhai Naanum Meyppikkathaane Pudhu Aayul Vendume

Illai Illai Solla Oru Kanam Podhum

Illai Enra Sollai Thaanguvadhenraal

Innum Innum Enakkor Jenmam Vendum

Enna Solla Pogiraai.. Enna Solla Pogiraai

Sandhana Thenralai Jannalgal Dhandithal Niyaayamaa

Kaadhalin Kelvikku Kangalin Badhil Enna Mounamaa Mounamaa

Anbae Endhan Kaadhal Solla Nodi Onru Podhume

Adhai Naanum Meyppikkathaane Pudhu Aayul Vendume

Illai Illai Solla Oru Kanam Podhum

Illai Enra Sollai Thaanguvadhenraal

Innum Innum Enakkor Jenmam Vendum

Enna Solla Pogiraai.. Enna Solla Pogiraai

Idhayam Oru Kannaadi Unadhu Bimbam Vizhundhadhadi

Idhudhaan Un Sondham Idhayam Sonnadhadi

Kannaadi Bimbam Katta Kayir Onrum Illaiyadi

Kannaadi Oonjal Bimbam Aadudhadi

Nee Onru Solladi Penne Illai Ninru Kolladi Kanne

Endhan Vaazhkkaiye Undhan Vizhivilimbil

Ennai Thuraththaadhe Uyir Karaiyeraadhe

Illai Illai Solla Oru Kanam Podhum

Illai Enra Sollai Thaanguvadhenraal

Innum Innum Enakkor Jenmam Vendum

Enna Solla Pogiraai.. Enna Solla Pogiraai

Sandhana Thenralai Jannalgal Dhandithal Niyaayamaa

Kaadhalin Kelvikku Kangalin Badhilenna Mounamaa Mounamaa

Vidiyal Vandha Pinnaalum Vidiyaadha Iravu edhu

Poovaasam Veesum Undhan Koondhaladi

Ivvulagam Irunda Pinnum Irulaadha Baagam Edhu

Kadhir Vandhu Paayum Undhan Kangaladi

Pala Ulaga Azhagigal Koodi Unn Paadham Kazhuvalaam Vaadi

En Thalir Malare Innum Thayakkamenna

Ennai Puriyaadhaa Idhu Vaazhvaa Saavaa

Enna Solla Pogiraai

Enna Solla Pogiraai

Enna Solla Pogiraai

Enna Solla Pogiraai Niyaayamaa

Enna Solla Pogiraai

Enna Solla Pogiraai Mounamaa Mounamaa

Enna Solla Pogiraai